
June 21: Only in Delphi day/night = 1,618 Golden Ratio !!

June 21 in Delphi, the day is 14 hours and 50 minutes exactly.
The night is 9 hours and 10 minutes. So: 
14 50' / 9 10' =
14 (5/6)  /  9 (1/6) = 1.618 

Also, Apollo and Artemis with lexarithm 
ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝ = 1061

Apollo / Artemis = 1061 / 656 = 1,618 !

Apollo is the Sun, the day...
Artemis is the Moon, the night...

So, today, June 21, is the day of Golden Ratio between them !!

May the Light be with us and the Golden Ratio 1,618 becomes to our Souls and gives us Healing and Happiness !!

1.618 is everywhere !!

The Arts of Apollo, How Universe works and Healing through it.

The whole World is an ocean of energy, where everything affects one another. The Universe is made up of Galaxies that contain Constellations, Constellations include Solar Systems, and every Solar system has a Sun in the middle with Planets revolving around it. Every Planet seems to be affected by what “seems” to go around it. This is the Geocentric System, according to which Astrology works.

Let’s talk about the Earth at this point. Supposing that a life form is born at some point on this planet. The map of the sky at the time of its birth is instantly recorded like a photo, that is its astrological chart. Whatever is in the sky at the time is inside our psyche. We are stardust, children of the Stars. Our brain centres are just like the Sky. They say that the Universe is holographic. Whatever exists at one point exists everywhere. Why is it, then, that we differ so much from one another, while we are so much alike? 

The Sky is never the same, it constantly changes, and the Archetypes inside us are tangled up in a different way in each person. There will never be two beings with two identical Archetypes. Every single second, everything changes, and nothing is as it used to be before.

Ancient Greeks possessed this knowledge, and hid it in codes inside the Pantheon and the events of Mythology. The 12 Gods are the Archetypes, our centres, the way we live our lives, and the mythological events take place inside our souls. As for the Heroes Ulysses and Hercules, their trials and tribulations are the Soul’s journey around the Zodiac Circle.

Let’ s describe the way in which all this is possible! It is a matter of frequencies. 


In mythology, Apollo combines four seemingly different arts together: archery, soothsaying, music and medicine. 

With archery, the Sun shoots its darts, like light cast on the darkness of our souls. 

With soothsaying, one can acquire an insight by uniting the conscious and the unconscious, and controls his destiny, becoming the Lord of himself. 

Music is frequencies, the vibrations of the Universe. Everything across the Universe translates into vibrations. Every Being has its own music, every astrological chart has its own frequency, and it is given off. It is the music played by the Planets and the Stars at the time of the being’s birth, and this is what follows it. When there is a discordance between the music of specific Planets-Archetypes in the Astrological chart, it is a challenge for the person to bring these Planets in harmony. Herein lies Apollo’s last art: medicine. One heals himself by changing he’s internal frequencies that lead to self-healing. Still, one can be healed by the outside environment, as well, by listening to the right kind of “music,” that is the harmony of nature, outside artificial places, or even someone else’s “music”—someone the person is in a positive synastry with, that is their frequencies fit, The planets’ positions on each astrological chart meet each other in positive aspects, so there can be healing.

Let's talk now about self-healing. It is a fact that, if we cannot attune our inner world to the Universe on our own, someone else difficulty will do this for us.
Thinking causes vibrations…it creates matter. When someone is thinking in a discordant way, that is they are fraught with fears and uncontrollable passions, they send the wrong kind of messages to the natural body, which has as a result the occurrence of a problem in a specific organ. 

Sometimes, we see this happening directly. After a grim thought, our stomach is in knots, or we get itchy, all of a sudden. What we need to do is clear our thoughts…make them more positive. It’s not that simple, of course. We have to pinpoint the cause of bad thoughts, find their root, and denature them. There is certainly some bad event lying behind what cannot change…What changes, though, is the way we view it. Furthermore, quite often, we get worked up about situations that have not happened yet, trying to prevent them; in other words, we live with nonexistent fears. Behind these lies some tough astrological aspect we have to work on.

This is not easy. It takes patience, perseverance, and frankness with oneself. The first step is an attempt at Self-Awareness…Who I am, not who I think I am. . To embark on this process, we will have to stop going about our routine activities for some minutes every day, and relax. Either through meditation or prayer, or through breathing exercises. As soon as we reach a state of tranquillity, we will be able to think with a clearer mind. It would be better if we devote some minutes to this activity every day. It is healing for the soul and the body as we get rid of the toxins we have accumulated from stress and grim thoughts. After we do this for several days—at least for a week—, we will realise we are stronger. We will have to view any event in a calm way. We will have to go back to the past, and consider every “bad” event that happened to us, in an attempt to see clearly what it really gave us. Could it be that through this event we were forced to LOOK deeply into ourselves? Could it have been the springboard for a new life or a different way to deal with situations? What sort of people would we be if we didn’t go through any difficulties? 

Whatever happens to us is of major help. We must deal with it calmly, and try to see what it really brings into our lives, that is we must sneak into our subconscious, and speak to our Soul. Soul knows the journey… We are our Soul!


After we ponder all this, we start looking “behind the curtain” and seeing what results negative events have brought us. Then we FORGIVE those who caused these negative events as they actually did us a whole lot of good. When this happens, our heart opens up, and we feel grateful to God and the Universe. Then, we relax and live every single moment of our lives without thinking how this or that will come along, since we will have understood that, if it goes well, it will be alright, if it doesn’t go well, it will be for a reason, and there will be some karmic lesson that we will have to learn. So, stress and sadness go away, and we live the ‘here and now’. ‘Here and Now’ is the only Real thing as the past is something that is over, and exists only as a memory, and the future is something that has not yet taken place. By living with our memories to a great extent, reminiscing about the past, or being alert for things that will happen, making plans that may never work out, we miss out on beautiful Now, which is the beauty of life, and the only thing that brings serenity, bliss, and healing. 

Hell and Paradise are here. It is incumbent on our Will if we will choose our Life here to be either of the two…

A journey into the myths through a poem.

Let’ s travel to the wonderful world of Myths. I have a beautiful poem for you that will whisk you off to another era. However, in order to understand it, I will have to point out that, according to many researchers, even the Trojan War, except that it may took place in real time in ancient years, is also raging within our soul and the fight over Helen, who is the beauty of our World of Senses, that is the World we live in, and according to Euripides ( Helen 31-46 ) is the copy of another Helen, that is a copy of another World, the Perceived one. Likewise, according to many researchers, significant mythological episodes take place in our soul… 

The Beginning of the World, if there ever was a beginning,

Two huge snakes seem to have coiled.

Snakes in their tails. They took a human form.

It was ageless Time and Need, which is all-prevailing.

From their intercourse was born Chaos, Night, and Ether.

Then, thick bright scales took an oval shape.

The egg cracks, and lo and behold! Primitive Phanes1 is already born. 

Heads of a Ram, Bull, Lion, and a Snake altogether

In a young androgynous body have scattered around,

Mating with Night, and begetting the Sky and the Earth,

by whom Cronus and other children have been born,

And a new life cycle has been realised2.

Zeus comes into life, born by Cronus and Rea,

Raised in a cave, with the Curetes3 keeping him company. 

Chased by his father Cronus

As only one of them must prevail.

They got Cronus drunk, upon Night’s advice.

Then, Zeus gulped down whatever had been born by then.

Trees, rivers, stars - they all ended up in his belly.

They came back to Light, but in a different way now.

A gold chain unites every body and form4.

Zeus is now the first Creator,

Prevailing all over the Universe, the mightiest of all.

Once, in a fight with the Titans5, as a potent force,

He hurled them into the Underworld, away from the Sun’s light. 

Like the Silver Tribe6 they wait chained 

For the end of Zeus’ kingdom, so that they may come to the surface.

Likewise, the lowest points of our soul

Do not die. They only wait and come up with ease

When Zeus’ justice is not powerful,

and the Logical part of our soul cannot hold sway.

In order for a balance to exist in the soul and matter,

there should be Harmony7 in the couples of Gods,

Venus and Mars’ fateful daughter

as all things important come out of opposites. 

Zeus without Hera cannot create

as she is the mediator, for him to continue.

Hestia without Hermes8 cannot function

as womb with no seed cannot bring life. 

Demetra and Poseidon complement each other,

like the elements that constantly separate and unite.

But also Demetra mates with Zeus,

And brings to life her daughter Persephone.

Pluto envied her, and snatched her away to Hades,

And she goes through the tortures of the flesh in the darkness.

He fools her with a pomegranate when she goes up to her mother,

And is forced to go up and down forever.

Zeus9 splits and mates,

divides and unites. 

He has no end, middle, or beginning.

He is always behind all forms.

Like the Unit that manifests itself as the Golden ratio10 in Creation, 

Like Thetis, who leaves her mark in history, along with Poros and Tekmor11.

With the help of Mitis12, whom he had swallowed, 

He turned into a Bull to mate with Europe,

And into a chased Swan to hide in Nemesis’ embrace,

Whom, like Thetis, Peleus longed for,

And changed forms to avoid him. 13

From their union came Helen,

The most beautiful Daughter of God, famous the world over.

From Paris, she was snatched away to find herself in Troy ,

But she made for Egypt, and there they sent her effigy.

Achaeans set off to seize Troy,

Not knowing that it was a simple idol they sought to conquer.

Along with the Trojans, they deluded themselves,

For real Helen14 wasn’t in Troy. 

As the bright beauty of the Truth

Does not reside in the Night’s tangible phenomena.

She has her kingdom in the Mental World

And, if you lead a prudent life, her Light will shine before you.

The aim of each soul may be

To search for the Light, once it has entered the darkness.

Like Jason and the other Argonauts,

Who set off for Colchis.

On their way, they ran into traps

But, when they met Circe, she was like a bright Sun15.

And Ulysses, in order to go to Ithaca

To meet his own Truth,

went through ordeals, deluded himself,

Until he found the way to his salvation.

In the Golden Generation6, may we all go through

the hardships of the body, so that we will forget forever.

1. About Phanes

2. Orphic excerpts 82 (Kern)

They say that it all started with an explosion, the Big Bang. As if energy was condensed and suddenly got spread around in an endless void and filled it. But, before that, what? Was there no Universe? The philosopher Empedocles tells us that there are Traction (union and attraction) and Repulsion (conflict and disruption), two forces that eternally rule the World. They are like inhaling and exhaling; it all contracts and expands and that’s a constant. So, is there an End and a Beginning or is it all a constant?

3. About Curetes

4. Roberto Calasso: The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, p. 228

5. About Titans

6. About Hesiod, Golden and Silver Ages
Plato mentions in “Republic 469 a” that Hesiod’s Golden Race are the Guardians (Angels) who protect us.

7. About Harmonia

8. About Hermes - Hestia

9. About Zeus

10. About Golden Ratio 

11. About Alcman, Poros and Tekmor
When the Achaeans gathered in Aulis to set off to Troy, the winds had let up, they were not propitious and ships couldn’t move. According to a Calchas’ prophecy, they had to sacrifice Agamemnon’s daughter, Iphigenia. Artemis took her and left a deer in her place. In the end, Agamemnon sacrificed a lamb… And the winds had become propitious now. There had to be a sacrifice for the Soul to find a Pore (passage) to pass from the Spiritual World to the Material World. The Pore is the passage and Tekmor is the point, the Pythagorean Unit. Through those, Chaos develops three dimensions and becomes our world, what we perceive with our senses. The Tekmor – point – unit becomes a line, the line becomes a rectangle and the rectangle becomes a cube (Plato Republic 546). Our world is the cube.

12. About Metis

13. Cypriot epics, extracts 3, 5, 6, 10

14. Euripides, “Helen,” verses 31-46, 570-588, 702-708.

According to Euripides’ tragedy “Helen,” Beautiful Helen never got to Troy, she went to Egypt… Homer’s Helen symbolizes the Beauty of the World. Since everything around us is but an idol, it wasn’t Helen herself that went to Troy (the world of the Perceptible), but her idol. The real beauty is hidden behind idols in the Conceivable world… This is where Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s Republic (1,175) comes in: “The myths want to indicate, I believe, through Helen, the whole of that beauty that has to do with the sphere in which things come to be and pass away and that is the product of the demiurge. It is over this beauty that eternal war rages among souls, until the more intellectual [the Greeks] are victorious over the less rational forms of life [the Trojans] and return hence to the [Conceivable] place from which they came.”

15. Orphic Argonautics, verses 1218 – 1246.

The ship Argo embarks on her journey as a Vehicle of the Soul. She is pushed off the land by fifty Argonauts, who constitute the necessary elements for the commencement of her existence. Step by step, she puts on her bodies and her chitons, until she gets to the material body, that is the beginning of Life, in Colchis, in the sacred grove of the war god Ares. Once Jason has taken hold of the Golden Fleece, he begins along with Medea the journey Home back to the Creator. The ordeals they go through are our lives in this World until we come full Circle.

June 21: Only in Delphi day/night = 1,618 Golden Ratio !!

June 21 in Delphi, the day is 14 hours and 50 minutes exactly. The night is 9 hours and 10 minutes. So:  14 50' / 9 10' = 1...